Memasuki bulan Desember berarti sudah saatnya merayakan Hari Ibu. Walaupun bukan hanya pada hari ini saja kita menunjukkan kasih sayang sama mama, tapi Hari Ibu termasuk hari yang diperhatikan oleh masyarakat kita. Siapa sih yang menciptakan Hari Ibu?? Kabarnya, yang menciptakan Hari Ibu bukanlah seorang figur ibu. Anna M. Jarvis, seorang guru yang tidak pernah menikah, namun sangat mencintai ibunya yang seorang methodist minister. Saat ibunya sakit, Anna menjaganya selama 15 tahun sampai akhirnya sang ibu meninggal dunia. Untuk mengenang ibunya, Anna mencetuskan satu hari spesial sebagai rasa hormat kepada ibu di seluruh dunia. Walaupun tidak mudah, Anna tetap berusaha agar ide ini sampai ke tangan Presiden yang akhirnya diwujudkan pada tahun 1914.
21-year-old becomes the protagonist of the 2009 World Series of Poker
Atmosphere of the judiciary, poker professional, and he became the eventual winner of the WSOP Main Event November 10th. Became the youngest champion in history, beating last year's achievement of Peter Eastgate. Defeated in the province Darvin moon and won $ 8.5 million.
Shui-Ping Lin, half his body after being run over by a truck amputated. But he never gave up!His recovery has amazed the surgeons almost two years after undergoing a series of operations. Vice President of the hospital treating him 37 years old) Chinese man had been treated and said: "It is amazing and the only person in the world for survival has a lot of his body amputated." It is in good health now, and opened his own supermarket deal - The man half half price store. This is unbelievable. Seems that nothing can get on his hands and feet ...