A Blue Great Dane for George, who is staying at about 43 inches and weighs 245 pounds has been amazing Guinness Book of Records as the oldest child in books. Photo Park here in Tucson, Arizona, George, 4 years, looks more like a mini-horse than a dog.
Giant, which measures 3ins tall and 7 feet from nose to tail, could be a major claim to ownership by the former record holder, Gibson, a Harlequin Great Dane who died of cancer last August.
Now owner George David and Christine Nasser, is awaiting confirmation of the Guinness Book of World Records to see if he has reached a higher realm.
"It is 42.625 inches on the shoulder," David said. "He is very unique."
According to David, George consumes 110 pounds of food a month sleeping in their own queen-size bed.
Giant, which measures 3ins tall and 7 feet from nose to tail, could be a major claim to ownership by the former record holder, Gibson, a Harlequin Great Dane who died of cancer last August.
Now owner George David and Christine Nasser, is awaiting confirmation of the Guinness Book of World Records to see if he has reached a higher realm.
"It is 42.625 inches on the shoulder," David said. "He is very unique."
According to David, George consumes 110 pounds of food a month sleeping in their own queen-size bed.

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