10. Richard 1 (The Lion Heart)
King Richard
Richard I ruled England in 1189 until 1199. He is known for his bravery, war strategy, and great influenced. He took an important role in crusade and he was also conquering Cyprus and Turkey when he lived
Spartacus was just a slave who owned skill more than an ordinary slave. He almost never lost in gladiatorial combats, he master a good strategy to win wars in huge number of armies and last, he could influenced hundred of peoples to fight the Roman Empire.
Saladin was a famous name in the third crusade. As a Muslim general, he was renown for his intelligent, skill of combat and negotiations. King Richard knew him well and he considered him as one of his most respected enemy. The greatest thing of Saladin is he was taking city of Jerusalem back from Cristian in the 3rd crusade
7. Lieutenant Audie Murphy
Audie Murphy
His career rose in the World war 2 and he faced hundreds of dangerous mission during the war.Life magazine, in July,1945, put his image on their first cover to respect his great contribution in the wars. He was awarded many medal of honors and he bade his own life to get it
6. Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi
He was mastering Kenjutsu and he was one of the best Samurai expert in a history of Japan. History recorded that he had involved in 60 deadly samurai duels during his life and he won all the duels without a flaw
5 Julius Cesar
Julius Cesar
Born in July 13, 100 BC, He was destined to conquer many lands, to burn millions of houses, steal golds or diamonds, and behead thousand of people. He gave prosperity for Roman empire for decades and he ruled many kingdoms under his tax policy.During his reign, he expanded his domination to Europe, part of Africa, and throughout West Asia
04. Hannibal Barca
Hannibal Barca
He was one of the best Carthaginian general and famous military contriver. He was one of the strongest military leader against Roman empire and he successfully defeat Roman soldiers in Trebia, Trasimene and Cannae.
03. Sun tzu
He is one of the most famous military strategist in the world and he was the brightest emperor of wu. He was also great mathematician and author. His greatest book is The Art of war. This book is one of the most famous guide of war in military
2. Leonidas I
He was the brightest son of King Anaxandridas II of Sparta and he was very famous for his courage, spirit of war and battlefield strategies. His name flourishes since the battle of Thermopylae and he was also believed as the descended of Heracles.
1. Alexandre The Great
Alexandre The Great
His name is quoted in Holy Books and he was the great general that inspired Julius Cesar, Hannibal, Napoleon and Pompey. Alexander III of Macedon or Alexander the great won many wars and he had great strategies to conquer many kingdoms in the world. As one of Aristotle student, he is the brightest of all time.
I believe there are more than 10 greatest soldiers in the world
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