Grapes was known as non tropical fruits, many people love to eat grapes, this fruits can also be used to make jam, juice, jelly, vinegar, wine, grape seed extracts, raisins, molasses and grape seed oil, grapes fruit itself has so many varieties, among many of grapes fruit varieties there's one varieties that know as the most expensive grapes varieties. that's a ruby roman grapes fruit. The Ruby Roman grape is a variety of table grape invented by the minds of the Japanese people for maximum expense and marketed in Japan. It is red in color and about the size of a ping pong ball. The first Ruby Roman grapes went on sale in August 2008 for about $910 per 700-gram bunch, or $26 per grape, this makes this ruby roman fruits became the most expensive grapes varieties
Several days ago This ruby roman grapes varieties has break the record as the most expensive grapes ever, it was sold for $6400. The auction of this expensive bunch of grapes took place in a room of a wholesale market in Kanazawa city and the winning bid was called out by the local upscale pastry shop in Ishikawa Prefecture amongst 30 other auction participants.
Each piece of Ruby Roman weighs 20 grams and has a rich cherry color, and the sugar content in this is around 18%. This special class bunch of grapes is artfully engineered and each grape costs around $255. The size is abnormally big when compared to a normal grape and looks like a table tennis ball, difficult enough to have it in one bite.
Here's the pictures of the Most Expensive Grapes Ruby Roman Grapes that breaks the records on auction last friday.

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