Chains are seldom used for any higher purpose than securing a bike against a railing, except in these cases, where artists have used their imaginations and metalworking skill to come up with incredibly creative pieces of urban art. These are some of the best examples of chain art you’ll find:

Giant sculptures don’t have to be carved out of stone, or sculpted out of giant chunks of ore. Enter the chain sculpture; a cleverly folded and supported sculpture that expresses an easily recognizable shape with aesthetic force, but using one of the most mundane mediums around.

Some artists like to accentuate the beauty in everyday urban landscapes, and these chainlink murals are a great example. Close inspection reveals a simple method, but this urban version of pointilism looks increasingly defined as one gains distance from the subject.

The most mundane accessories and household items can be manufactured out of repurposed chains from bikes or industrial purposes. I can’t say I approve of its use as a fashion statement (at least in the case of pants), but you have to give these fashionistas credit for stepping outside the mainstream.

Recycling is always a good decision, and these cool pieces of jewelry mix the elegant with the industrial, creating something that will catch the eye of anyone who passes by.

There’s a surprising amount of furniture inspired by, or created with, chains. Urban living definitely mixes well with these styles, as they reflect the aesthetic of the street, albeit in a much more refined fashion.

Chainlink fences are some of the most boring aspects of living in a city, and these examples showcase some great ways that they can become an artistic fixture rather than simply an obstacle and eyesore.

Chains have their spot in art exhibits, as a fast and easy symbol for urban culture, and less abstractly, as a versatile medium that gives the appearance of being both fluid and strong.
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