Picture this scenario, you time travel to the British Isles in 1980s and you’ll find the ZX Spectrum 8-bit personal computer hot in the circles. The device was a hit in that era with addictive 8-bit games everyone wanted a piece of. iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners now have the leverage of playing ZX Spectrum games in landscape and portrait modes courtesy the recently launched ZX Spectrum: Elite Collection emulator that can be downloaded from the iTunes store for a meager $ 0.99.
Currently the collection has 6 games namely Chuckie Egg, Turbo Esprit, Saboteur, Harrier Attack, Frank Bruno’s Boxing, and Buggy Boy and in the next month or so 6 more titles will be added via an update. This is one app you don’t want to miss on your Apple device, and it is dirt cheap too!
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