Wednesday, November 24, 2010

12 Funniest Misspelled Billboards

Nice apostrophe!

 No exceptions, not even for me! 

 Alcoholic dyslexia.
 Bye-bye car!
 Someone misspelled tattoos on an unintentionally gay billboard.
Double woops or double win?
So if it weren't enough to just HAVE Braille on a billboard... Let alone small enough so that nobody who even has PARTIAL sight can see it, they misspelled Stevie Wonder's name!

 Panera Bread learned the hard way a cardinal rule for advertisers: check the spelling. The company put up a billboard on southbound Interstate 95 that promoted the two Panera locations in Boynton Beach. But the next day, the company took the billboard down after sharp-eyed commuters noticed that the word "Boynton" was spelled incorrectly. Twice.

About ten years ago, this was Atlanta's best-known misspelled sign. It was visible from I-85 near Jimmy Carter Boulevard. Trophies and plagues. Do they also do pestilences? Or maybe just plaques?

This is a huge end cap ad for Seagate. Seriously.

It looks like some ad pillars went on a diet after several people pointed out that this advertisement had a rather embarrassing misspelling in gazillion-point type.

 What a difference a letter makes, huh?
The sign person misspelled Charlie

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