Friday, November 5, 2010

Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

The 90s isn’t so memorable on the culture end because the prevailing culture was more of a carry over of the 80s. Some even say that it was a confused time having come after such a colorful time in the cultural end.

It’s a different story in the technological end.

Some of the things that are dominating the world were children of the 90s.

10. TiVO

tivo series3 box Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: late 90s

Michael Ramsay and Jim Barton were involved with TV and entertainment at Silicon Graphics Corp. Ramsay dealt with the studios that used Silicon Graphics equipment during production, while Barton handled early video-on-demand trials. One of the prevailing problems on free TV is that many people fail to watch the show because they are out doing something else. The solution: automatic recording. .

9. The smart pill invented

smart Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1992

A smart pill can deliver or control its delivery of medicine even after it is swallowed.

Jerome Schentag, professor of pharmaceutic science at the University of Buffalo, invented the computer-controlled “smart pill,” which can be electronically tracked and instructed to deliver a drug to a predetermined location in the gastrointestinal tract. David D’Andrea was the co-inventor.

8. The pentium processor

intel Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1993

Vinod Dham is considered the father of pentium.

He is also one of the co-inventors of non-volatile flash memory.

This guy must be a rock star.

7. HIV protease inhibitor

hiv Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1994

Hoffmann- La Roche Inc invented the first HIV protease inhibitor trade named Invirase (saquinavir) by:
*Joseph A. Martin
*Sally Redshaw

6. The Java computer language

java Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1995

James A. Gosling, OC invented this.

5. USB

usb memory stick Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1996

Universal Serial Bus USB was known about as early as 1994. Some sites mentioned that a number of companies teamed up in its creation, Microsoft, Intel, etc. It was officially released January 1996 and put into production February 1996.

4. The gas-powered fuel cell

gas Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1997

3. Viagra

viagra Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1998

Pfizer made it.

Giving hope to every man since 1998.

2. Tekno Bubbles

tekno Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1999

Mary Bellis said Tekno Bubbles is a liquid bubble solution that includes a sufficient amount of a surface active agent to form bubbles and a sufficient amount of a fluorescent agent to provide illumination of the bubbles when viewed in the dark and under an external source of invisible ultraviolet or infrared radiation. In layman’s terms, Tekno Bubbles are the greatest trip toy ever patented.

Why the hell not?

1. The World Wide Web and Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML)

http Top 10 Greatest Inventions In The 90s

Year Invented: 1990

created by Tim Berners-Lee
Social media strategists use social media tools to help companies interact with customers, increase brand awareness, create buzz, increase traffic and provide information.

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