Thursday, November 25, 2010

Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

We talked about the legendary dance steps that defined generations and made careers yesterday.

Let’s talk about the funniest ones today.

You have to admit, there really are certain dances that you simply can’t resist. No matter how stupid your look, its ability to make you laugh, no matter how miserable you are, will remain till eternity.

10. Hangin

hangin Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

Put your left arm in the air and wave it from side to side.

How to do it:

Stand on two feet. Then lift one leg and put it in front. Pump it twice. Shift to the other leg.

9. Macarena

macarena Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

Put your left arm in the air and wave it from side to side.

How to do it:

Stretch your right arm out straight in front of you with your palm down. Do the same with your left arm. Turn your right arm and hand over so your palm faces the ceiling. Do the same with your left arm. Touch your left shoulder with the palm of your right hand. Cross your left arm over your right arm and touch your right shoulder with your left hand.Place your right hand on the back of your neck. Do the same with your left hand.Move your right hand and touch your left hip and touch your right hip with your left hand.Put your right hand on your right hip and your left hand on your left hip.Circle your hips three times with the beat of the music. Hop and clap as you make a quarter turn with the group. Repeat the steps until the song has ended.

Thanks to wikihow. I never danced this. Never!

8. Running Man

running Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

Put your left arm in the air and wave it from side to side.

How to do it:

Stand with your left foot in front of your right foot as if you are about to walk. Your toes on your right foot should be about a foot behind the heel of your left foot when in this position.Take a step in place with two hopping motions. Your right foot should pick up slightly off the floor and come forward as your left foot hops back. Then step your right foot forward as your left foot hops back further.Repeat with the other foot.

7. Catterpillar

cutterpillar Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

How to do it:

You lay down on the floor, bend your knees to your stomach, then kick your legs (alternating) from your knees down.

Make sure you have insurance.

6. The Axel Rose

axel Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

How to do it:

Hold on to a fake (or imaginary) microphone stand and, with head lowered, move one leg out to the side, only about a foot off of the ground. As soon as your foot hits the ground, immediately repeat move with other leg. Repeat at least 10 times.

For the sake of preserving tradition, do this only wnen “Sweet Child Of Mine” and other Guns & Roses songs are on.

5. Footloose

footlose Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

How to do it:

Stand straight. Jump. When you land, your right foot should be in front of the other. Jump again. the same foot should be on the left side of the right leg. Jump again. Your right foot should be in front of the other. Jump again. It should be on the ground. Do the same thing with the other foot.

For additional attitude, wrap a rope around your head, wear a sleeveless tshirt and white pants. Don’t let anyone see you.

4. Lambada

lambada Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

How to do it:

It’s easy. Straddle your partner’s thigh and bump and grind. Sometimes the man spins the woman at lighting-fast speeds. This is not for minors.

3. Roger Rabbit

roger Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

How to do it:

Put your arms at your sides and you take your right leg and skip backwards once, and then your left leg you do the same thing, and then your right leg does it again but this time when your right leg goes back. It looks stupid… but it’s fun!

2. Slam Dancing

slam Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

How to do it:

Jump and bump the other person also in the air. Bump into as many people as possible, get sweatier than anyone else, and to look like you are having a seizure.

1. Chicken Dance

chicken2 Top 10 Funniest Dance Steps That Rocked The World

How to do it:

Pinch your fingers and thumbs together in front of your chest 4 times. Flap your arms 4 times. Wiggle side to side 4 times while getting your back side as close to the ground as you can. Clap 4 times. Repeat steps 1-4 until you hear the swing-like music.

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